Yarnell Daze 2023 is currently in the planning stages and is seeking permission to use local property and/or business frontage during this years’ event which is scheduled for Saturday, May 20, 2023. With the use of your property we hope that you will join us in the festivities, showcase our community and have a bit of fun.
Due to the increased traffic (and speed of that traffic) through town, we are not going to have the parade this year (we are hoping to find alternate parade routes off the main highway for future years).
We are planning to have live music (hopefully in two locations instead of just the one location), a motorcycle and car show, vendors (food and nifty stuff) as well as new neighbors, friends and family. We look forward to having a Kidz Zone and help the Yarnell Library celebrate its 60th birthday!
We will continue to update our website with more Yarnell Daze information: YPVChamber.com/yarnell-daze/
You may have received an email or a letter via the U.S. Mail – you are more than welcome to complete the online form or mail in a paper copy.